build your profitable product business with mel robbins thelotco business podcast

How Etsy can be an amazing sales channel for your product business with Monica Little.

Season 3 Episode 87

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Do you want to get in front of 80 million customers?
What could that do to your business?
How would it feel to get 1000's of new eyes on your product and 100's of new orders every month?
Monica Little has been using Etsy for selling her product for years and she shares how Etsy is such a great sales channel and an amazing tool to get in front of new customers.  They have over 80 million users and it is such an under utilised sales channel.
Don't think that it is such for those with product businesses who think that it is only for those without their own website.   

And then once you are on but how do you get found? How do stand out? How do you use the right language to be found,  use language your customer is using.
One tool Monica mentions:
Tool to track searches
To find out how Monica can help you get started on Etsy you can follow her here: Monica Little Instagram and listen to her podcast here

The link to her Etsy training webinar is here now

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Business Coach for product-based businesses. Teaching creative business women how to build a scalable and profitable million-dollar product business whether a physical Retail store or Brand.

Over 25 years in Retail and Wholesale Sales and Marketing.

Grab my 8 step checklist on building a profitable product business.

Speaker 1 (00:00:04) - Welcome to thelotco Business Podcast, a show all about helping you as a retailer, brand or creative understand the actual business side of running your business. I have a straightforward, practical advice about the nitty gritty of making money from your creative passion. We will be covering bite size, business and marketing lessons, as well as interviews with experts and trailblazers in the fashion, homewares and design industries. My name is Melissa Robbins. I'm a business coach, colour loving, non coffee drinking melburnian. Let's get into it. Hello and welcome to today's episode. My name is Melissa Robbins. I'm super excited today to have a guest with me who is going to teach us and share with us a little bit more about how to use Etsy to sell your products now. Thank you so much for having me, for being here. Monica.

Speaker 2 (00:00:54) - Oh my gosh, I'm so excited to be here. Thank you for having me.

Speaker 1 (00:00:57) - Can you tell the audience a little bit more about you and how you got into this line of work?

Speaker 2 (00:01:03) - Yeah, so essentially what I do now is I really specialize in helping small business owners to get traction on Etsy.

Speaker 2 (00:01:11) - And how the story really started is about 3 or 4 years ago, when I was working in a corporate office, I enjoyed what I did, what I knew. It's not what I was meant to do for the rest of my life. So I was just playing around with different hobbies, different things that I enjoyed to do, and I started to make my own skincare because I was always very passionate about health and wellness and eating healthy, going to the gym, taking care of myself, especially because my mom, she battled two different types of cancer and survived two types of types of cancer. So from a young age, I saw that, saw her go through that and placed a big emphasis on just being healthy overall. And part of being healthy also is the products that you use and watching the chemicals that are in the products in your household and your skincare and your makeup and your shampoo and your detergent and everything. So while I was at this point of really trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life long term, I was just exploring different hobbies and I started to create all natural, organic skincare, and I started to share about it on Instagram and people wanted to purchase it.

Speaker 2 (00:02:16) - They were asking where they could buy it, where they could get it from, and I started to realize that this could actually be a business. So I took that idea. I opened my small business called Plant Based Beauty. I was able to grow it to multiple six figures, and I ended up leaving my corporate full time job to focus on it fully and along the line. I realized that as much as I loved growing plant based beauty, what I really loved was the business side of things. Really problem solving and learning how to grow the business. And I realized that a lot of other small business owners struggled with that. So once I started to see that, I pivoted to do coaching, and now I help small business owners on the business side so they can grow and scale their business. And what I primarily focus on is Etsy, because I do see that Etsy is a little bit of an underutilized market. There's a lot of people who maybe are new in their business that use Etsy. But to take the established small business owner who maybe has their own website and get them also onto Etsy, so now they get in front of more customers.

Speaker 2 (00:03:17) - That is what I love to do. I love to help small business owners create another revenue stream on an incredible platform like Etsy.

Speaker 1 (00:03:25) - Imagine that sounds so very familiar to me as well. Just that loving that business side and problem solving side of things. And obviously, yeah, we both work now from having our own product based business to helping others do that because, as you say, like there's so many things that you wish you knew or, you know, you, you learned along the way. And it's just such a great way to then. Yeah, share your experience. So what I'm.

Speaker 2 (00:03:47) - Just going to say is it's interesting too, because I know you have a retail store background, and that was part of my story in the middle as well. When I was living in Chicago, after I started my skincare small business, I actually co-owned with a business partner three retail stores where we sold items from local small businesses. So exactly like you said, we had items from over 100 local small businesses, and I heard the same things that people were struggling with over and over and over, which was the business side.

Speaker 2 (00:04:16) - So people love the creative side of coming out with new products and seeing how much their customers love it. But when we really get to the business side, I just heard people were struggling with some pretty frequent topics, and that was just something that I felt that I could help them with. So I think it's definitely something that that is necessary. So I love seeing what you do, and I love seeing that we have this in common because the creative side is awesome, but the business side has to be there to just to help grow and get even further.

Speaker 1 (00:04:41) - Absolutely. And I think, as you said, like one of the things I talk about quite a lot is that you need to have multiple sales channels. And yes, so obviously one that you discovered and that you've worked with is Etsy. So let's talk a little bit about that, like how I know, as you said you can people might start on that, but then they don't see it as a real like sort of true sales channel when they've got their own website.

Speaker 1 (00:05:05) - But you're saying that, yeah, you can have both and it can really work to support each other. So tell me a little bit about how you believe Etsy is a good option for people.

Speaker 2 (00:05:15) - Yeah. So a lot of people think of it as just for newbies. They think, oh, if I'm starting off, if I don't have my own website, let me start on Etsy because Etsy is easy to get started on. It's easier than creating your own website from scratch. It's also way less expensive. It costs $0.20 to put your product up on Etsy, versus paying a monthly or annual hosting fee for a website. So a lot of. People only think of Etsy as for newbies, but with plant based beauty. My skincare business. I did start on Etsy, but then I also ended up having my own website and growing my Instagram and growing my email list and growing on Pinterest and growing by getting into stores specifically using faire here in the United States. And one thing that I kept up during that whole time was Etsy, and it was so funny because I would talk to so many other small business owners and they would be like, why are you still on Etsy when you have your own website? And I would tell them, because Etsy is bringing new customers to me that aren't in my world, people who are on my email list and are on my Instagram.

Speaker 2 (00:06:15) - Of course, I direct them to my website and that's where they're shopping and that's where they're hearing to go. But Etsy has 80 million shoppers on an annual basis. I don't have 80 million Instagram followers on my skincare account. I don't have 80 million email subscribers. So why wouldn't I use Etsy's platform to potentially get in front of those new people? So how I like to use it is as a tool to get in front of new people. You can have both your website and Etsy and your marketing to two different types of people. But Etsy will bring customers to you. You're on a search engine, on a marketplace where people are going to find unique products. So it's simply a matter of being where the people shop and using that strategically and staying on there to be able to be found by people who only shop on Etsy. Because I think a big misconception is that people will go on Instagram to look for small businesses or Google, which I think does happen, but. People go to Etsy when they're looking from small businesses.

Speaker 2 (00:07:16) - That's where they know to go. And they're like, where am I going to go to shop from small businesses? That's the first thing that they think of. So being where the people shop is just a big strategy that I think so many people can really grow from and learn with and get some more sales and exposure from.

Speaker 1 (00:07:31) - Absolutely. And I think the point you made about, you know, that it costs it cost you a little bit of money, but it doesn't cost you as much as you're running your own website. And I think that's the the key also that some people forget that you have to pay to get sales or pay to get in front of customers, and same way you might pay for other marketplaces or you might, you know, pay wholesale different. You get different rates for your product. You're paying to be in front of all those customers and using their marketing channels. Because, as you say, there's so many people who are actually searching on that platform. So that's what you're paying your fee for.

Speaker 1 (00:08:04) - And just on that, though, you talked about products, the small business products, is it just handmade products? Because I think that's sort of a misconception, too. On Etsy.

Speaker 2 (00:08:13) - Yeah. So it's definitely evolved over the last few years. When they first came out, it definitely was handmade products only. But now if you, for example, designed the product, but you have a manufacturer who's making it so it's not handmade, it's not made by your hands, you can still sell that on Etsy. So they do have little buttons where you have to designate that and say that it's not handmade, it's made with production partners. But that's the beautiful part of it, because now if you're designing what you're outsourcing, you can sell your those products on Etsy as well. So it's really opening it up to just unique products that you can't find elsewhere. So this is a great place to be if you have something unique that that's super specific that people look for, for gifts, if people are looking for a specific room in their house that they want to decorate, or if they're looking for special occasions, perfect place to be.

Speaker 2 (00:09:06) - No matter if it's handmade or if it is made with a production partner.

Speaker 1 (00:09:09) - Okay, that's really good to know. And so you talked about there being able to show up in search. Oh, we mentioned it before. Like I know that's something that you coach on and you sort of work with. So what are some of the ways that your store can show up in search or can stand out from the thousands of other products that are available?

Speaker 2 (00:09:26) - Yeah. So that is the question, the million dollar question. Right. How do we actually get found on Etsy? Because there are a lot of businesses selling their products on Etsy. And a lot of people say that Etsy is saturated. But what I like to tell people is the small business world in general is saturated. Most of the items that that we make and sell, for example, skin care. You could go to any store down the street and buy a skin care. You can go to any website and buy skin care. There's hundreds of big businesses and small businesses that sell skin care, so skin care is a saturated category, but that's no matter where you sell.

Speaker 2 (00:10:03) - It's also saturated on Instagram. So of course it's also saturated on Etsy. So the moral here is to stand out on Etsy is the most important thing and that is your job. How do you stand out on Etsy. So a couple key pieces of information to actually do that to get found. Well number one, you have to really work towards being on that first page search results. So when someone is searching for organic skincare in this example you want to be on page number one. So how we do that is the SEO, the search engine optimization of Etsy. This is the title of your product, and these are the tags that you associate with your product. So a couple of things I love to tell people here is you don't want your title or your tags, your SEO on Etsy to be the name of your product or to be the name of your business. Because if people were searching the name of your product or the name of your business, they're probably going to your website because they know you.

Speaker 2 (00:10:56) - If they're on Etsy, they probably don't know about you and are searching for a product in general. So instead of using your brand name or your product name in your titles and tags and Etsy, I want you to use super descriptive words. So a great example that I heard from someone is if you were on the phone with a friend and they couldn't see touch, use your product, how would you describe it? So for the skin care example, instead of using the title Heel and Glow Facial Serum, which was the name of one of my products which no one would be searching that I would use words like organic moisturizer, great for acne, for dry skin, for anti-aging, made with moringa oil, made with rose essential oil, healing for sensitive skin. These types of super descriptive words, which are what people are searching for on Etsy. And with that in mind, two I love to advise people to get super specific. You don't want to be generic with your title and with your tags on Etsy, because that's when you end up on page three, four, five six, seven, eight and people never get there.

Speaker 2 (00:11:58) - When people are on Etsy, they know exactly what they want and they're searching for something specific. So you have to match that and be super specific in your titles and tags. So another example that I can give really quick is if someone sells candles. I have one of the small businesses in my program. She sells candles that are coconut and apricot wax, mango scented with a wooden wick with dried florals, dried lavender buds on top in a blue cement vessel. And those are perfectly descriptive words to put on Etsy, and a unique product that's going to do so well on Etsy. Because the person who is buying a candle for a friend who is hosting a party, that's a Hawaiian luau theme, that's something that they're going to search right there, or someone who has a bathroom that's maybe blue, and they're looking for more modern concrete type vessels. That's what they're going to type for, blue concrete candle vessel. So those are the words that I really want people to focus on. And another really great way to find these words, because I gave the example of pretending you're talking to your friend on the phone.

Speaker 2 (00:13:07) - How would you describe it? But some other tactical ways to do this is go on Etsy and do a search for the type of product that you sell, and see what other people on that first page, what they're using for their title. Now, you also can look for the little best seller badge on that first page, which Etsy is designating that this product is selling a lot. So now you can be a detective and see, well, what is this product which is similar to mine? What are those keywords that they're using? And then a third way, there are some really great tools out there that actually mine all of this data for you. And one of them is called ever be Ever beat. IO is a fantastic tool to do searches to see what products are actually selling, how much are they selling on a monthly basis. And then you can start to be a detective and see what are those keywords that they use. So most important thing is descriptive keywords that your customers are actually searching for that match the products that you sell.

Speaker 2 (00:14:05) - And being super, super specific in those keywords with your goal to get on that first page search results to actually be found by customers who are searching for products like yours.

Speaker 1 (00:14:15) - I love that that's so good. And I think that is it's like getting to know what your customer's really the language that they're using, the the ways that they're trying to search for things. And this can also help you for your own website because obviously they're all in the same information, can be also put on your own website and stuff like that too. So really knowing the language your customer uses and it's not often, as you say, like it might just be pink or blue. It's not like a particular color name. Like I think people get sort of overly, you know, fancy with some of the things that they, they put into their descriptions and stuff as well.

Speaker 3 (00:14:50) - Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2 (00:14:51) - And think too, what's interesting that you said is that this what I love about Etsy is the work that's done on Etsy can be used on your website, exactly like you just said, can be used even on Instagram.

Speaker 2 (00:15:05) - So anything that you do on Etsy in terms of up leveling your Etsy shop, using these keywords that can be on your website, anything you do on Etsy in terms of the description of how you describe your product, the photos that you have on Etsy because on Etsy they're brand new customers haven't heard of you. So you really have to educate through your photos, show social proof through your photos, evoke emotion through your photos. But all of these things that are being done on Etsy, well, now you just created three social media posts from those three photos that I just mentioned. And now those photos should also be on your website to show social proof or evoke emotion or educate about your product. So I love that you said that because that's a beautiful part of Etsy is there are some things that are super specific to Etsy, like some marketing levers, some bells and whistles. But otherwise, how you get found on Etsy is going to help you get found on your website and is going to help create content that converts on social media too.

Speaker 1 (00:16:02) - Yeah, absolutely. And I was going to I was just about to ask you about the photos. So how important is the photo and what image are you use. And obviously you've just described that, which is great. Can you just give me an example of what sort of what do you mean by social proof on photos just to sort of, you know, map it out? Yeah.

Speaker 2 (00:16:19) - Oh great question. So photos are so important on Etsy. And this is where we get to the stage of if you're appearing on page one with the titles and tags SEO conversation we just had, well, now you're still on page one with 59 other products or 60 products on page one, so your job isn't done just yet. You still need to get people to click on your listing compared to everyone else's. So what really matters here to get the click is number one, the marketing levers that you use in terms of are you offering free shipping? Are you offering a discount? Do you have the star seller badges? Which are these purple badges for customer service, message response rate and on time shipping.

Speaker 2 (00:17:01) - So these levers that are purple and green and badges and that showcase your product and really draw attention to your product are critical because that's how you stand out compared to other small businesses and other products who don't use those or don't have those badges. But similarly, your main photo obviously that's important and has to stand out for people to want to click, and it has to stand out against everyone else. And not only does your main photo have to stand out, but on Etsy you can have ten photos total per product. And what a lot of people do, which is a big mistake, is they take ten photos of their product from different angles, just slightly turned over and over and over. And you have these ten photos basically of the same thing. And what I love to teach on Etsy is every single one of those ten photos should be strategically used. So the question that you had about social proof, one thing I love for people to do is get your best review from Etsy, or if you don't have any reviews on Etsy just yet, then from your website, or from a DM on Instagram or wherever, you can get a customer testimonial.

Speaker 2 (00:18:05) - And I want you to put that in a very simple graphic. I don't want it to be too done up, because then it can start to feel potentially like it's fake, but a screenshot in a simple graphic that you then put as one of your photos on Etsy. Now why this is important is because shoppers shop in one of three ways. They either read every single piece of information on the description, so you have to have all the details there, or they look through all of the photos, and as long as the photos give them what they need, they can purchase from that. Or they go right to the reviews and they say, if other people have loved this product, then I'll love it too. So the information that a customer needs to confidently purchase from you has to be in every single one of those places the description, the photos, the reviews. So when we put Social Proof, a five star amazing review of how someone said they love your product because x, y, z, it was perfect for them.

Speaker 2 (00:18:59) - Perfect gift. It arrived quickly. It was exactly what they expected and more. If you put that in your photo. Now, that customer who's only looking through the photos not only sees the product and starts to understand what it is, what it does, why they want it, but now they see this review that's going to stop them dead in their scroll. They're going to read it. And now they have that social proof to say, not only am I interested in this product, but this person loved this product, so I'm probably going to love it too. And that just is one step further for them to actually add it to cart. So the photos on Etsy. So important and eye catching main photo to get the click. Educating about the product in the photos. So I love to tell people to have graphics in your actual photos with the main features, the main benefits, the size, anything that a customer needs should be in that photo, a social proof. And the other one that I mentioned too is evoking emotion.

Speaker 2 (00:19:58) - So having a photo of the product in use, because that's how people start to visualize themselves with that candle on their nightstand after a long day next to a book or a glass of wine or whatever it may be, and that's how you get in their head for them to purchase, too. So just a couple of examples of photos. But I think nowadays people buy through photos. So your photos have to be in such a great spot to do the selling for you, because we live in such a visual world. I mean, look at Instagram, look at TikTok, look at all these social media platforms. They're primarily photo based, so your photos have to be there to convey the value and really connect with the customer.

Speaker 1 (00:20:36) - Yeah, absolutely. And on that with the two marketing levers that you mentioned. So obviously you don't necessarily going to have those when you first get started. So it is about just using, you know, as you say, you might have other reviews somewhere that talk about your customer service.

Speaker 1 (00:20:52) - So it's just about trying to get out there at first. Like is there anything in particular you can do to help yourself in that way specifically.

Speaker 2 (00:20:57) - For the reviews, like if you don't have a review, is that what you mean? Yeah.

Speaker 1 (00:21:01) - Like if you don't have any, if you don't have anything yet, you're just getting started on it to like what? Is there anything you can do to help yourself with that.

Speaker 2 (00:21:07) - Yeah. So okay, I'll answer in a couple of ways. So let's talk about it from the marketing lovers point of view first. So there's a couple marketing levers that you. News on Etsy. Like the star seller badges. I mean, those are ones that you won't have right away because you have to have on time shipping, on time messaging, and you have to have reviews that come in and have a 4.8 average customer review rating. So if you're brand new, it's going to take some time to get there. So I think a couple of things we can do.

Speaker 2 (00:21:39) - So that review photo, if you don't have any actual Etsy reviews, is going to help with that a little bit. Now, if you don't have any reviews at all because you're brand new to business, well then it's like, okay, let's get your product to some friends and family members and get their honest opinion. And now you have a text message or something that you can use as some sort of social proof. But there's also other marketing levers that you can use that aren't necessarily photo related, but there's marketing levers like free shipping or offering a discount. And I call these marketing levers. I mean, you can or can't call them something else, but how I like to view these is they are ways to draw attention to your listing, because these badges are green and strikethrough and different colors and just draw attention to your product listing. And one example that I love to tell people is if Etsy gives you any sort of tool like that, a discount, the ability to do free shipping, I want you to use it because Etsy knows that it works.

Speaker 2 (00:22:48) - So the free shipping example, Etsy probably does a ton of testing where there's items that are free shipping versus items that aren't free shipping. And they notice that when a customer gets to the checkout page and all of a sudden there is $8 additional to pay for shipping, that the customer hits the back button or hits the X button and leaves. They know that adding an additional cost at the end right before checkout actually leads to less sales. So that's why Etsy offers this free shipping option. And it's green and it's bold, and it draws attention because they know that if a customer knows the full price right up front and it's consistent throughout checkout, there's no hidden fees at the end that pop up that that customer is more likely to purchase. So I think there are some levers that we don't have available right away, like Star Seller, the review badge, the On-time shipping badge, the messaging response rate badge that's all part of Star Seller when you're brand new, of course you don't have that, but you can use other levers and discounts and tools to draw attention to your listing and use them in a way that will help you get more sales, because Etsy offers them, because they know it leads to more sales.

Speaker 2 (00:24:03) - But a lot of people shy away from using those because mostly because it eats at their profit. But then it comes back to the conversation, which I know you and I had on my podcast about your pricing right from the start. Your pricing has to be spot on. Then you can play around with these levers. Then free shipping won't put your put you in the red, right? You can actually use these levers strategically for its benefit without harming your business or the money that you make in your business.

Speaker 1 (00:24:31) - Yeah, absolutely. And with it, you can also control where it can be sent and stuff like that too, can't you? So if, for example, it's really expensive for you to send a particular location, you can have it not be sent available there. Is that correct?

Speaker 2 (00:24:46) - Yes. Oh, that's such a great point. Yes. And what they primarily do is you can do free domestic shipping, but then you can charge internationally. And that's normally what I recommend for people to do because domestic it's usually accessible.

Speaker 2 (00:25:03) - It's not going to be 20, 25, $30 versus once you ship internationally then it gets pretty expensive. So yes, that's what I would recommend do free shipping for domestic. But anything international make sure that that is above and beyond, because then of course that's harder to cover. So a little bit of a nuance there. So I'm glad you asked that question. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (00:25:22) - And it's also I think it opens up opportunities because I know a few clients of mine, they use Etsy to sell to locations that they don't sell to on their own website. So they might not have all the different currencies set up or all the different shipping options available on their own website, but it's much simpler to do it through Etsy, so I know a few clients do that. They use Etsy for that reason.

Speaker 2 (00:25:45) - Yes, hundred percent. That's exactly what I did with my business as well. On my direct website, I had a small tab at the bottom that said International Orders, and if someone clicked on that, I had just a page that said for international orders, please order on our Etsy site for that exact reason.

Speaker 2 (00:26:02) - Because Etsy, at least when you live in the US, and it sounds like for your clients who live internationally too, Etsy will calculate the customs, the tariffs, the VAT, they'll calculate any of those fees. So I'm not over here trying to do all this paperwork and figure out if. Right. So that's a beautiful thing about Etsy is that they make that very easy and seamless because they have small businesses in countries around the world. So and they have customers in countries around the world, too. So that's one thing I loved about it. They make it very easy for international shipping, and it opens you up to become an international business. I know a lot of people who their first time selling overseas is because of an Etsy order that went elsewhere, so it's a beautiful way to look at it too.

Speaker 1 (00:26:47) - Yeah. And also so we've touched on this, but why do you believe it's so important to have diversified sales channels. Like why do you think that's so important.

Speaker 2 (00:26:57) - Well, I'm a big believer that the name of the game, when you are selling products between 20 to $50, even $75, the name of the game is you have to get in front of as many people as possible.

Speaker 2 (00:27:10) - Or if we're selling something that's, you know, $4,000 each, okay, you can sell one of those a month and you're making $4,000. That's great. But if you're selling items that are worth 20 bucks in order for you to make 4000, you got to get in front of a lot of people. Now, when you are selling products that are in around that price point, that's really how you grow is by getting in front of as many people as possible using these channels, because then Etsy is bringing customers to their platform and you get some sales there. Now you're getting some orders from your email list with your email campaigns. Now you're getting some new Instagram followers and you're getting some orders there. Now you're reaching out to stores and getting into stores and getting some sales that way. So the main benefit from my perspective is this is how you scale is from getting in front of as many people as possible and make it easier on yourself by leveraging the platforms and tools that are available. Because I'm sure we could grow a business just by Instagram.

Speaker 2 (00:28:08) - But wouldn't it be easier? Easier to also get some sales that come through on Etsy, where your job is to learn how to be optimized on Etsy, learn how to stand out, and once you know how to do that, which is a little bit more challenging than it sounds. But once you crack that code, the customers who see your listing, it's basically passive income. You've done the work. Etsy brings a customer, the sales come to you. Now you can have a loyal customer who maybe buys from your website next time they order. So it's truly just about getting in front of as many people as possible. And I'm a big fan of working smarter instead of working harder and leveraging the tools and marketplaces that help you to reach more people.

Speaker 1 (00:28:45) - I love that. What a awesome answer. That's so perfect. And so yeah, getting started. So if someone is not on Etsy now, what are the tips? Just to get started, get going.

Speaker 3 (00:28:58) - Yeah.

Speaker 2 (00:28:59) - So the things that we talked about earlier in this episode are going to be perfect.

Speaker 2 (00:29:03) - So how do appear is all about your SEO your titles and tags? Then we talked about attracting the customer's attention using those marketing levers and that main photo of yours. Then what we really talked about is confirming expectations. Your photos and your description have to have all of the right details right there, that there are no questions left unanswered, because this is an Instagram where a customer is going to ask you a question in DMU, if they don't know the answer to a potential question that they have on Etsy, they're going to hit the back button and click on the other listing and potentially buy that. So making sure you have all the details in your photos and your description, those are key components. Now that's what I primarily tell people to focus on. And then the final cherry on top is the trust decision which is having some reviews on Etsy. So getting your first couple reviews, having that social proof actually there, and the beautiful part of once you start to get some sales on Etsy and once you get those customers to leave your review now Etsy is going to want to show your products to more people.

Speaker 2 (00:30:10) - Because if you're giving your Etsy customers a great experience, Etsy knows those customers are going to come back on Etsy to buy an item for their nephew's birthday, to buy an item for their mother in law's birthday, or mother and father in law's anniversary, or to buy a gift for a sister's baby shower that's coming up. So they know that if customers have a great experience on Etsy for all of their unique needs coming up, they're going to come back and buy more. So if you give your customers a great experience, if they leave a five star review, Etsy wants to show you to more people, and this is really how it starts to snowball. So appear in attract, confirm expectations, gift trust. That is the equation right there on how to actually get it done. And it does take some work to get that in a good spot. But the beautiful part is, once you do, then you can start to get those sales. And I grew my Etsy shop to over 5000 orders. And once you figure that out, it just brings those customers to you, which is fantastic part about it.

Speaker 1 (00:31:14) - Yeah. That's amazing. Thank you so much for those tips. And obviously if people want to work deeper into this as well, this is something you focus on. This is something you really help brands stand out on Etsy, figure out all the nitty gritty little bits and pieces. So where can they find where can people find you and find out more about you?

Speaker 2 (00:31:32) - So I primarily hang out on Instagram. My Instagram handle is Monica Little Coaching. So happy to answer any questions about Etsy or give any pointers. And then I do have a free Etsy training, which goes into those three steps that are outlined in much more detail, which is at Monica Little coaching slash Etsy webinar. So that will show you how to stand out and sell out on Etsy, how to get your products found, and is a great resource for people who are getting started. Or if you're on Etsy and kind of struggling, I would say watch that training because it's going to help you to see where there are potential gaps that you have that you can fix to get those products in front of more people.

Speaker 1 (00:32:07) - Amazing. And you've also got a podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:32:10) - Yes I do, oh my gosh, I do. And it's called the Product Biz Podcast. And Melissa was actually a guest on the podcast, which is probably launching around the same time that this episode is launching. So please hop on over to the product, this podcast. I have some great experts across all different types of topics, so I don't primarily focus on Etsy on the podcast. It's from wholesale to Shopify to subscription boxes, everything in between. And it's just a great place to continue to learn how to grow and scale your business. So yes, thank you for the reminder.

Speaker 1 (00:32:39) - Amazing. Thank you so much for being here today, Monica, and thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge and tips. And yeah, getting people get going on to other sales channels. I'm excited for everyone.

Speaker 2 (00:32:48) - Yeah, thank you so much for having me I appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (00:32:53) - Thank you so much for listening to thelotco  Business podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please make sure you subscribe to receive future episodes as they are released.

Speaker 1 (00:33:00) - And I'd be so, so grateful for a review on Apple Podcast. If you would like a copy of the show notes or any of the links mentioned today, please jump on to my website at Have an amazing week and I look forward to chatting to you again soon.